Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Just starting in a big hurry clearing "wet" steam of of the cylinders through the cylinder cocks!!! Oh what great memories when I drove these mighty machines on the VR.

This is # 5 Wikis.

At long last I've advanced to this level holy and soly with the help of Leanne. Without Leanne's help I would be completely derailed!!!!!.
Its like going from driving Steam Locomotive to driving a Diesel.

I also added to my first Wiki, nearly derailing at several points,(get it) but saved by Leanne.
I'm looking forward, down the track to doing more Wikis without derailing hopefully.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Hi there,
I'm very new to most of this. As a general statement I feel Wikis is really great for a very broad, general "look see" or a "Captain Cook" very quickly!!!!!. I remember a comment, "its very fast". I would qualify with "caution". I have used Wiki with care, steady as she goes!.

Another comment I saw; "Wkikipedia(Wikipedia 2006a) is already functioning as a de-facto info service". This, in my humble opinion could be dangerous, again with caution.

In summary, with "Wiki" I like the incremental approach. Should we subject "Wiki" to cost-benefit analysis? At this early stage I'll stick with a mixture of heavy harry and "Wiki". I'm very open and considerate to all things if my fellow human being and humanity in general is going to benefit, particularly those less fortunate than most of us on this planet.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

# 1 and 2

My blog is ready to roll.